Pura Vida, the documentary film directed by Pablo Iraburu and Migueltxo Molina, and produced by Arena Audiovisual Communication (Navarra) and Txalap.art (Basque Country), had its premiere last September 23 on

Oreka TX le ha dado una nueva dimensión a la txalaparta y ha abierto horizontes amplios a la música popular vasca, creando unos espectáculos deslumbrantes, como el recientemente representado Hostoak.

“Hostoak” is singing, music and dance together. A dialogue between the arts in merging artists who are related in different disciplines from the tradition of culture Basque has evolved and

On October 15, there was the celebration of World Mental Health in Euskadi, whose organization ran by AGIF. The conference made a date to all associations belonging to Basque Fedeafes.